Additional Residential Unit Frequently Asked Questions


​ The following are some frequently asked questions regarding Additional Residential Unit (ARU) in Newmarket. For more information, please contact the Legislative Services department at 905-895-5193. 

How do I register my ARU?

To register your ARU, you must:

  1. Complete an ARU application form or pick one up at the Town's Municipal Offices, 395 Mulock Drive
  2. File the appropriate documents from the Fire Department and Electrical Safety Authority or a final building permit inspection report. 

  3. Pay the one time application fee of $268.93 at the Legislative Services desk at the Town's Municipal Offices, 395 Mulock Drive
How do I know if my ARU is registered?

The Town has a registration list containing all units that are registered: ARU Registration List

Contact the Legislative Services Department at 905-953-5300 ext. 2220 if you have any inquiries related to a property that is not on the list.

What are the parking requirements to register an ARU?

Residences with ARUs are required to have a minimum of three exterior parking spaces (not including the garage). 

How do I obtain additional parking spaces?

You may contact the Town's Planning department at 905-953-5300 ext. 2450 or [email protected]. 

How many bags of garbage can I put out and how does the garbage collector know that I'm a registered unit?

When there are two units within one residence, the number of garbage bags allowed for each residence with a registered ARU doubles. Example: Three bags are allowed for the upper unit and three bags are allowed for the lower unit, for a total of six bags.

The collector will know that your residence is a registered unit by the "N" plate. The "N" plate must be affixed to the front of the house and visible from the road.

Who should I contact if I have an issue with my landlord or other issues in my residence?
f you have a concern or issue with your landlord, contact the Landlord Tenant Board or call 1-888-332-3234.
Where can I find more information on Additional Residential Units?
For more information on building an Additional Residential Unit please review the Homeowner's Guide to Building an ARU or contact the Building Department at [email protected] for more information.