Official Plan

A cut-out picture from the Zoning By-Law.


Official Plan Review

The Town of Newmarket is initiating its Official Plan Review (OPR), Future Focused: Planning OUR #NEWmarket over the next two years. The intent of this project is to review and update the existing planning framework to conform with recent Provincial legislation changes and the new York Region Official Plan, manage growth over the planning horizon to 2051, and address important matters such as housing, employment, protection and enhancement of the natural heritage system, and more.

To learn more about the Official Plan Review, visit  

What is the Official Plan?​​

Newmarket's Offici​al Plan is the Town's land use planning and policy document. Its general purpose is to establish land use designations and policies for the physical development and redevelopment of the Town having regard to social, economic and environmental matters. 

Official Plans are regulated by Section 17 of the Ontario Planning Act. Official Plan policies are adopted by Council to define basic goals, objectives, and directions for the co-ordinated growth and development of the Town. It identifies the planned municipal structure and provides the framework for municipal regulations including zoning bylaws, site plan approval and the subdivision of land.​

​The Official Plan also contains maps which designate land uses and which help guide municipal decisions on public facilities and services such as transportation, roads, parks, and infrastructure. It also encourages the preservation of lands, buildings or structures having environmental, historic or architectural value.

The Town of Newmarket Official Plan was adopted by Town Council on October 10, 2006. On May 28, 2008 with the approval by the Region of York, the Town of Newmarket 2006 Official Plan came into force and effect.

If you require this document in an accessible format, please ​contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected].

Official Plan Am​endments

While the Official Plan is intended to establish policies for long-term growth, the Plan is periodically reviewed to ensure that it continues to meet the changing economic, social and environmental needs of the municipality. Occasionally it is necessary to amend the policies and/or designations contained in the Official Plan in order to facilitate new development or redevelopment proposals. 

Opportunities for public review and input are provided prior to the Town adopting any Official Plan Amendments. Section 17 of the Ontario Planning Act and accompanying regulations provide the legislative framework for processing Official Plans and Amendments. Information regarding current Official Plan amendment​ applications​ is available. Information regarding applying ​for an Official Plan Amendment is also available. ​
