Development Charges

A cut-out picture from the Zoning By-Law.


​​​​​​​​​Municipalities in Ontario use Development Charges (DCs) to recover costs associated with residential and non-residential growth. Development charges fund growth-related capital costs for soft services, like library and fire services, recreation and parking and hard services like engineering and infrastructure. The Development Charges Act is the statutory basis that governs development charges.

Community Benefit Charges 

Community Benefit Charges (CBC) is a financial contribution that is paid to the Town of Newmarket for certain forms of higher density development to fund associated development-related capital infrastructure needs. 

The charge is used to fund services or facilities that will benefit the community that are related to the needs associated with growth as long as these costs are not recovered from development charges and parkland provisions. Newmarket's CBC By-law 2022-35 was adopted in 2022. 

A CBC can be used to fund services provided for under the Development Charges By-law, and for parkland acquisitions, as long as there is no duplication of recovery of the same capital costs under another Growth Funding Tool. 


Development Charges By-laws 

​Newmarket's Development Charges By-laws:

Learn more about the Development Charges By-law by reviewing Newmarket's 2019 Development Charges Consolidated Study and the 2022 Development Charges Background Study. Additional details regarding Residential and Non-Residential Development Charges as well as the Northwest Quadrant including the regional and school board charges are available.​

Town-wide fees (with the exception of the Northwest quadrant)

  Residential (per unit)   Rates
Rows and other multiples$33,406.00
Large apartments


Small apartments
  Non-residential (per sq. metre)   Rates

Fees for the NW Quadrant (see map)

 Residential (per unit)   Rates
Rows and other multiples$31,156.00
Large apartments$23,579.00
Small apartments$16,843.00
 Non-residential (per sq. metre)   Rates
Commercial/industrial $84.64


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